0800 298 323 info@aztecfires.co.nz

We are really lovingĀ our pizza oven, and you have been fantastic to deal with. The quality of your product is absolutely superb, thank you so very much.

To introduce our friends & colleages to the world of the wood fired oven,ourĀ  party format has been, “bring what you want to drink and one small topping you would like on a Pizza”. On our first attempt we topped & cooked 35 pizzas in around 45 minutes. This was on the back of around 3 hours prep at a leisurely pace, including lighting up the oven and getting it up to temperature (all the pizza bases done from scratch with genuine 00 flour from Bel Mondo and good quality local olive oil).

People are very into the pizza party concept and are pestering for more of them. Folk in general, and kids in particular have an absolute blast, making up the pizzas and inventing weird and wonderful combinations. We’ve cooked lamb shanks, roast vege and beautiful Blackforest Gourmet Butchery German sausages and Leibercasse (meatloaf). We’re still learning the bread baking process but will have that nailed really soon. As the recipes develop we will send them down to you to share.

Once again, Thank you so very much.


Wilf & Jan Espin